The Newspaper Kite

The Newspaper Kite
by Daysha W.
This is how to make a newspaper kite. Before you start read the instructions. Then get supplies: newspaper, packing tape, string, 3 dowels, scissors, sharp knife or punch, and a meter stick.
First tape 2 newspapers together. Then measure and draw lines. Then cut on the lines. Next tape the edges where you cut. After that put tape down the center, across the middle, and two on each side so it will be strong. Next tape 3 dowels on the kite--1 across the middle and 2 down each side. After that cut 2 strings 1.5 meters each. Then punch 2 holes at the bottom corners and 2 holes at the side corners. Now tie the string into loops through the holes and tie the loops together. Next tie the flying string to the loops.
Safety rules: Don’t fly by trees! Don’t fly during rain and storms!
When it is a really windy and sunny day, go outside where there is lots of space. Last fly your kite and have fun!
Website for this kite’s plans:
Good kite website:
I was wondering how newspaper could be used to make a kite. I didn't think that it would be strong enough, but you described how you have to use two pieces and to put tape across it to make it stronger. Now I understand! Thanks for teaching us how to make this kite!
Mrs. Fuller
Lynn, at 2:45 PM
I like how you told about your kite step by step. You wrote great details! Thanks for the safety tips, and including your picture of you and your kite!
Mrs. Johnson
4th Grade Teacher
Room 210 Writers, at 9:56 AM
It was really fun doing the kites. I wish they had all flown well! Maybe you will get to try a different kind on another day!
Mrs. Taylor
lindajt9, at 5:16 AM
Very detailed writing! You are becoming quite a writer. Keep it up!
Mrs. Ehly
Rita Ehly, at 11:26 AM
I would have never tried to make a kite out of newspaper. Thank you for telling me about this kind of kite.
Mrs. Zetterman
Kim, at 5:22 PM
I like how you described the loops of string. It seemed really complicated. I don't know if i would be able to make this kite. I would probably need your help.
Noel and Mrs. Irwin
Anonymous, at 6:57 AM
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