The Ladybug Kite

The Ladybug Kite
By: Marcina N. and Alleha C.
The ladybug kite is not hard to make. Let us tell you how to make a ladybug kite! First read the instructions and gather your supplies. You need: red poster board or paper, tape, scissors, bamboo skewers, crepe paper, black permanent marker, and string. Then fold the paper in half the long way. Then fold the ends of the paper to make three parts. Next draw a head and a body. It needs to be like a B shape. Get ready to get your scissors and cut the B shape. Also cut a v triangle on the fold between the head and body. Then you color the dots. Next draw the eyes on. After that tape the long sticks down the middle and across the middle. Tape the skewers slanted on the head. Then tie the string through the middle hole onto the long stick. Safety rules: do not fly in a rainstorm or on a stormy day. At last you are ready to to fly your kite!
Here is the website for the plans for the Ladybug kite. You have to go to page 34.
This is another good website for kites:
Marcina and Alleha,
The ladybug kite sounds like a great kite to make. You did a nice job describing the procedure for making this kite. Thanks for sharing the directions!
Mrs. Fuller
Lynn, at 12:43 PM
Marcina and Alleha,
The ladybug kite sounds neat! I bet the red paper will show up well in the sky. Did you enjoy making this kite, you really seem to know what you are doing in the directions!
Mrs. Zetterman
Kim, at 6:52 PM
I thought the lady bug kite was so cute. Did you think it flew ok? Or was the wind to hard for it? It was still fun to do all of it!
Mrs. Taylor
Everett Eagles, at 7:06 AM
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