The Sun Kite

The Sun Kite by Annelise R. and Gage V.--2nd grade
This is how to make a sun kite!
First read instructions. Next you get the supplies. You need: a yellow paper or posterboard, an opaque machine, scissors, glue, black permanent marker, bamboo sticks, long dowel stick, crape paper, and string. First, turn on the opaque machine and trace the stencil on the paper or poster board. Now trace the sun decorations with permanent marker. Then cut along the black edges. Now fold the sun down the middle. After that, fold the wings back to make a valley. And then glue bamboo sticks into the valley. Next tape a long dowel across the top. Now punch 2 holes on the GW dots and LW dots. You might need to reinforce the holes with tape. Then push the string with a pencil through the holes and tie it. Then put four or five streamers and tape them on. Safety rules: Do not fly a kite by electrical lines and not on rainy, stormy days. After all that, you are ready to fly your kite!
This is a good website for kite information and plans:
For plans & pattern for this sun kite you can go to this website:
Annelise and Gage,
You sound like expert kite makers. Thanks for all the great information. I think I will try kite making with Colton and Shea. Thanks for telling me about the website to try!
Mrs. Zetterman
Kim, at 7:53 PM
Hey! That story about how to do this kite is GREAT! I showed some of the kids at the other school and they are so excited! They want to make a kite right away! Thanks for helping me do something fun! Mrs. Taylor
Everett Eagles, at 10:07 AM
Annelise and Gage,
You did a great job telling about all of the steps needed to make your sun kite. It sounds like you had a lot of fun making it. Thanks for sharing the directions with us!
Mrs. Fuller
Lynn, at 11:02 AM
Your steps to making a kite are very detailed. I know exactly what to do now to make a sun kite. Thanks for sharing.
Mrs. Irwin
Anonymous, at 11:28 AM
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