The Super Duper Newspaper Kite

The Super Duper Newspaper Kite
By: Alei’a B-D.--2nd grade
These are the steps for a newspaper kite. Before you begin read the instructions and gather your supplies. You’ll need: 2 double pages of newspaper, meterstick, scissors, string, tape, and a hole puncher. The first thing you do is take two double pages of newspaper and tape them together. Then you measure 180mm on all the corners. After that draw lines to get a diamond shape. Next you cut the lines. After you do that tape the edges. Now you tape three lines down the kite and one across the middle of the kite. Now the kite will be strong. After you do that you can roll up newspaper or use dowels and tape them on. Two of the dowels go on the sides down and the other goes across the middle. After that you punch two holes in the two side corners, and two holes directly a the bottom. Then you loop 1.5 m. of string to the two side holes and the bottom holes. Then take those two strings and tie them together. Now you tie your string that you’re going to fly the kite with. Safety rules: 1. Don’t fly beside electrical wires or trees. 2. Don’t fly on a rainy or stormy day. 3. Be careful. Last go fly your kite! Have fun!
Here is the website for the plans for this newspaper kite:
Another good kite website:
What a great idea for a kite - it's a timely idea considering earth day just passed. Kite making would be a great way to reuse old newspapers! I also liked it that you included safety ideas. You did a great job on this project!
Mrs. Fuller
Lynn, at 11:56 AM
I love the idea of using the newspaper to make a kite.You gave great directions! I will share your safety ideas with my kids.
Mrs. Zetterman
Kim, at 12:42 PM
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