Everett Eagles

Friday, February 24, 2006

Just a test run...

just seeing if this posts to the listserve. Linda

Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Kindness King by Eric

Once there was a great rainbow that kept fear away, and it never went away.
But one treacherous day when the king of kindness died, the rainbow died.The fear came out of hiding.Then the people didn’t know what was happening. They didn’t know what to do. The king never had children. So, they held a contest. Every man came to the contest. All except one. He was already kind, but do you know what happened? He was picked as king because a women said that there is a very kind person that is not here, so they picked him. So this story is saying be kind to all people.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Broken Toe by Jamie

Have you ever jumped on a trampoline ? I have. I was jumping on the trampoline . My stepdad was jumping on it, too. I fell and then he jumped on my foot.
I was walking to my mom. My mom thought I was joking. Then my mom pulled my toe. Boy,I was crying, because it hurt.
My toe popped. It was really painful. I had to walk without a shoe on my left foot. We got in the van and went home.
I went to my real dad's house. My stepmother is a nurse. So she looked at my toe and she said, "It is broken!" My stepsister, Shean-ann taped my two toes together. My foot had a bump on it. Sometimes it stil hurts. Then I went home on Sunday. And it was still fun at my dad's house.
I learned my lesson! Don't jumped when my steddad is jumping on the trampoline.

Bicycle Run by Tristan

Have you ever ridden in a bicycle run? I have. Let me tell you about it. I have
been in Trail Track. It is a race to go from Southwest High School and back to Antelope Park.
There are different sizes of hills in the race. The whole track is cement with yellow lines.
There are three hills in the race. One is big, one is medium, one is small. The big hill is hard to go up and it is hard to go down because your chain can popout.
There are a lot of people there. I can't even count them because I was riding my
bike and getting stuff. You will need a calculator to count them all!