My Cats by Tyrone 11/06 Tyrone hoz two cats in hiz house, Snowball and Trubl. Snowball and Smoce and Trubl play togeter at my house. Smokey is my Nana’s cat. They play togetr and jump up and giv hi fivs. \They eat soup. The cats fol asleep. I like them.
Tyrone, Cats are fun pets to have. We can not have cats at my house because one of my sons is alergic to them. My mom has four cats and they all like to sleep on her bed. Do your cats try to sleep with you when they are tired from playing?
Tyrone, I have two cats in my house also. Their names are Hedwig and Gryffindor. They have lots of fun playing too. You wrote a good story. Keep up the great work. Mrs. Spickelmier
Dear Tyrone,
How do you feed two cats? Do they eat a lot, or just a little? Do they like to play with each other?
I have two dogs and they like to play together.
Mrs. Taylor
lindajt9, at 1:45 PM
Cats are fun pets to have. We can not have cats at my house because one of my sons is alergic to them. My mom has four cats and they all like to sleep on her bed. Do your cats try to sleep with you when they are tired from playing?
Mrs. Zetterman
Kim, at 7:06 PM
You just have the funniest cat stories! My cat Emily would probably really like to meet your cats!
Mrs. Fuller
Lynn, at 6:35 PM
I have two cats in my house also. Their names are Hedwig and Gryffindor. They have lots of fun playing too. You wrote a good story. Keep up the great work.
Mrs. Spickelmier
Everett Eagles, at 9:31 PM
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